Thank you for supporting Orconomics. If this is the first time you use our Pledge Manager, read carefully the instructions below.

  • IMPORTANT: Do not add items from other sections of our e-commerce system!

If you are a Kickstarter backer, using this Pledge Manager, you will be able to select your rewards and provide us with the essential information to ship them.

Late pledges are also possible, if you missed our project on Kickstarter. You can find out more about Orconomics on our website. 

Select the Pledge you want (of equal or greater value than your Kickstater Pledge), then add your Pledge Coupon (see below). You can upgrade to a Total Bundle, choose Add-ons and select the language version you prefer: English or French.

If you are a Kickstarter backer, you received an e-mail with a Pledge Coupon.
Before checking out, you must include the code of the Pledge Coupon indicated in our e-mail.
Your coupon transfers your pledge information from Kickstarter to this system. The Pledge Coupon will deduct the amount you already pledged from the cost of the products in your shopping cart.

If your selection of rewards plus the shipment fee has a higher cost than your pledge on Kickstarter, the system will ask you to complete a Credit Card payment before checking out. You can adjust the contents of your cart as many times as you want until you check-out. When you check-out and complete the payment, the order is final, and your coupons will be canceled.

Just request any of the listed Pledges and Add-ons and checkout. You can select the language version you prefer: English or French. Then, just place your pre-order as you would do on any e-commerce site.

If you are a Retailer: please follow the instructions you received by mail, or contact leonardo.rina[at]aresgames.eu for more information.

  • You can add to your cart more copies of Orconomics before checking out. Do not add items from other sections of our e-commerce system!
  • We cannot ship to PO Boxes.
  • IMPORTANT! Don’t mix items from this Kickstarter Project with items in other categories (e.g. “Other items”, “War of the Ring”) in the same order. We cannot service an order mixing Kickstarter Rewards and normal products.

Refunds can be requested at any time before product ships. All refunds are subject to a cancelation fee of 10% for bank and handling fees, unless different local regulations apply. If you want to request a refund after completing payment, contact us using our contact form.

Pledge Rewards
